
The Great War and Stevens County, Minnesota was created by University of Minnesota, Morris senior history students Britta Buchanan and Colm Macnab as part of the Century America Digital Humanities Project, a completely web-based class taught by Dr. Jeffrey McClurken from the University of Mary, Washington and Dr. Ellen Holmes Pearson from the University of North Carolina-Asheville.

Britta Buchanan is a History and English major. After interning at the Smithsonian National Postal Museum in the summer of 2014, she not only discovered the wonders of postal history and philately, but also her love of public history. She would like to pursue some kind of career in public history, though what that is she isn’t exactly sure yet. Britta researched and put together all the pages related to the West Central School of Agriculture.

Colm Macnab is a History major and English minor at the University of Minnesota, Morris. Colm’s research over the past four years has been done through a gendered lens, focusing on the cultural histories of pre and post World War 2 America. He is interested in the history of films and literature, and wants to use his degree to pursue a career in either of those two fields. Colm researched and constructed all pages related to Stevens County.


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